1.Purpose and Scope
The mission of Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. is to contribute to the improvement of people’s lives. As a social responsibility expected of a corporation, Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. respects and strives to improve human rights. This policy aims to embed the responsibility to respect human rights throughout Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd.’s organization and supply chain.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. strives to ensure that all employees and directors (all persons engaged in the business of Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd., including officers, full-time employees, contract employees, temporary employees, part-timers, part-time employees, etc.) fulfill their responsibilities to respect human rights. Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. also expects its shareholders, suppliers and other business partners, partner companies and other parties directly related to the business, products and services of Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. to support and practice the values of respect for human rights set forth in this policy.
The commitments in this policy are in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and based on the principles regarding fundamental rights set forth in the International Bill of Human Rights, consisting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The commitments in this policy also refer to children’s and women’s rights as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. complies with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the Children’s Rights and Business Principles.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. will comply with the national law and respect internationally recognized human rights wherever it operates. Where they are in conflict, Nikko will adhere to national law, while seeking ways to respect international human rights to the greatest extent possible.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. prohibits discrimination, forced labor, human trafficking and child labor and is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy working environment and the dignity of the individual.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. promotes effective information provision and consultation procedures in its relations with employees.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. seeks to conduct its business in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of all people. In doing so, we consider the following points to be particularly important.
Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Belonging
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. values the diversity of its workforce, supply chain and customer base. Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. is committed to equal opportunity and will not tolerate discrimination and harassment, disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment or retaliation of any kind.
Consistent with applicable local laws, Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. shall seek to maintain workplaces that are free from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity or expression, religion or belief, political opinion or affiliation, national or social origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or such other characteristic as protected by law. Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. respects the International Labor Organization’s Convention on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work. Recruitment, promotion, training and compensation decisions shall be based on an individual’s merits.
Forced Labor, Child Labor and Human Trafficking
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. is opposed to any form of child labor, forced labor or compulsory labor, including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, military labor, modern forms of slavery and any form of human trafficking. Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. prohibits its employees and agents from engaging in trafficking in persons, procuring commercial sex acts, or using child, forced or compulsory labor in the performance of contracts. Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. respects the ILO Forced Labour Convention.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. prohibits the hiring of individuals under [16] years of age.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. expects all employees to be provided wages, benefits and working conditions that are fair and in accordance with the local laws.
Working Environment and Conditions
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. will seek to prevent accidents by maintaining a healthy work environment, promoting a proactive safety culture, following safe procedures and practices and requiring use of all prescribed personal protective equipment.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd.’s employees are entitled to reasonable rest breaks, access to toilets, rest facilities and water at their place of work, and holiday leave in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where they work.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. will pay wages that meet or exceed the legally required wage or, where no wage law exists, the local industry standard. Every employee has a right to fair compensation for work performed.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. prohibits withholding or destroying employee identification or immigration documents, using fraudulent tactics in recruiting employees or use recruiters who engage in such tactics, charging recruitment fees to employees, failing to provide, in certain circumstances, return transportation at the end of work, or providing substandard housing.
Suppliers and Partner Companies
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. requires its suppliers and partner companies to adhere to ethical and social values consistent with Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd.’s ethical and social values.
Respect for Human Rights in the Community
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. respects the rights of local and indigenous peoples in regions where it operates and works with local communities to promote human rights matters that are important to them, such as land rights, access to water and health.
Dialogue and Consultation with Stakeholders
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. will utilize the expertise of internal and external experts on human rights and deepen its understanding of human rights matters through dialogue and consultation with stakeholders to enhance and improve its efforts to respect human rights.
4.Addressing Impacts to Human Rights
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. is managing the risks on human rights by incorporating human right aspects in its due diligence process, policy, internal system and training.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. recognizes that human rights due diligence is an ongoing process. Through the human rights due diligence process, Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. will identify potential impact to human rights rendered by its business, products and services, and seek to prevent and mitigate any identified negative impacts. If it becomes clear that Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd.’s activities have caused or contributed to negative human rights impacts, we will work diligently to remedy the situation through appropriate procedures.
In certain countries where Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. operates, there may be particularly high, systemic risks of human rights abuses. In these circumstances, Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. will put in place additional due diligence to assess and address these risks.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. gives particular regard to individuals or groups who may be at greater risk of negative human rights impacts due to their vulnerability or marginalization, including women, national or ethnic groups, religious and linguistic minorities, children, LGBT+ people, persons with disabilities and migrant workers and their families.
To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of human rights abuses, including modern-day slavery and human trafficking, Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. will ensure that all executives and employees are informed of this policy and receive appropriate education and awareness regarding respect for human rights. Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. strives to integrate human rights management throughout its operations through education and appropriate governance.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. has established an Internal Reporting Desk for reporting any questions regarding this policy, violations or potential violations of applicable laws and regulations in each country and region and internal regulations, including this policy. In addition to the Internal Reporting Desk, Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. accepts comments and inquiries from external stakeholders, including the general public and customers, via the corporate website.
Further, Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. has established a process to properly handle any complaints regarding raw material procurement and manufacturing of its products (such as palm oil and related products). With the cooperation of Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd.’s stakeholders, Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. will consider all complaints fairly and in a timely manner and take necessary measures in accordance with Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd.’s complaint-handling process. In this process, Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. will also respond sincerely to complaints with issues related to the environment, human rights and labor. The complaints can be submitted by email to
In order to effectively implement this complaint-handling process, Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. will review the process every year and revise it as necessary.
While the received complaint is being investigated, Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. may temporarily suspend transactions with suppliers with non-compliant business practices.
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. prohibits retaliation against any individual who, in good faith, raises a complaint or cooperates with any investigation.
6.Disclosure of Information
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd. will disclose appropriate information regarding its human rights policies and the details and results of its efforts to respect human rights.