
Announcement regarding the Nasufactory of Nikko Chemicals and the structure of NIKKOL Group

Two manufacturing facilities in Japan, which are Nihon Surfactant Kogyo KK (in Utsunomiya) and Nikko Chemicals’ Nasufactory (in Nasu), will be joined together from July 1, 2015.
Nasufactory will join the organization of Nihon Surfactant, and Nihon Surfactant will become the sole production company of NikkolGroup, operating two factories in Utsunomiya and Nasu.
All systems and operations of the two factories will be joined together. The meaning of this change is to completely harmonize all manufacturing and QA related systems at NIKKOL Group, which will help to increase the efficacy of production.
Nasufactory will change the name to Nihon Surfactant Utsunomiya Factory, but the physical location of production facility will not change. The following documentation of current Nasumaterials will be changed to mention Nihon Surfactant as manufacturing site


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