
Announcement of COVID-19 infection in Nikko Chemicals

On Thursday, August 19, an employee of Nikko Chemicals was tested positive for COVID-19.
The respective health care center has confirmed that nobody has been in close contact with the employee.
As of the 22nd of August, our Head Office building in Tokyo has been disinfected, and resumes operations as of the 23rd of August after ensuring that there is minimal risk of the current infection spreading.
Nikko Chemicals will continue prioritizing the safety of our employees, our clients and our guests, and have implemented the following COVID-19 prevention measures since the first State of Emergency was declared.

・Temperature taking before entering our offices
・Implementing antibody COVID-19 tests and temperature recording within our company
・Ensuring our employees have staggered working shifts as well as asking them to work from home whenever possible
・Setting up COVID-19 prevention acrylic boards
・Maintaining social distance as well as ensuring to wear masks, consistent and regular hand-washing and hand sanitization within the company

We will continue to be vigilant and constantly seek to improve our COVID-19 prevention efforts. Thank you for your cooperation and kind understanding.

23rd August, 2021
Nikko Chemicals Co., Ltd.
For further inquiries, please contact our General Affairs Division using the below email address.

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